Sage Support Service

Investigations or Notifications

Our service does not replace legal advice; it complements your legal representation.

Sue's unique working knowledge of the organisations and her first-hand experience means she can help you to navigate the sometimes numerous processes. Coupling this with her midwifery knowledge she can assist you to confidently and comprehensively present your information.

This is done confidentially, in an empathetic and supportive way that is focused on you.

Near miss or Guidance

Reflecting on your practice is very important way to improve. Having access to your own independent support with an existing understanding of your practice can greatly assist in this process.

General support around midwifery matters

You can contact us any time you need a sounding board or an independent view from an experienced midwife.

How much support is available?

As a full service client you will get 10 hours of free support.

This can be used for support with

  1. A challenging situation you may have
  2. Guidance and Support through an Inquiry (DHB, ACC, HDC, Coroner) or Notification (NZ Midwifery Council)
  3. Something you just want to discuss with an independent and experienced midwife.

The hours of free Sage Support you have will increase each year you are a Sage client. Additional hours are available at a negotiated rate - which will always be lower than for casual clients.

Additional Services

In addition to the above services you will have free access to any Sage webinars and we'll send you information on recommended practice changes.

If you are a full service Sage client, you'll also get a reduced rates on any of our courses.