Frequently Asked Questions

How does this work, is it all video and group stuff?

This is very much about you, so there are no groups involved.

We prefer to do Discovery visits in person, but again it's up to you. Other sessions are contactless, however even that can be negotiated to suit your situation.

There lots of coaching services, why is Sage any different?

Sage Midwife Coaching bring a different lens than most business or life coaches. We do this by utilising Sue’s broad knowledge of midwifery governance frameworks and David’s business and coaching skills. So we cover more aspects than a business coach alone.

From a coaching perspective David is able to bring a different perspective than a midwife coach might. As the partner of the midwife for many years, there is also has an understanding of the life of a midwife and the challenges that brings.

Sage Midwife Coaching work with you to understand and realise the improvements that are most important to you through an on-going annual cycle.

Additionally, we provide information on recommended practice updates, webinars and are able to provide you with intensive support through the journey of any investigation or notification process should that occur.

What will it cost me for my individual access to Sage Midwife Coaching and Sage Support Services?

It really depends on what service(s) you want to use.

To reflect individuality and provide maximum flexibility we negotiate cost structures rather than having fixed pricing. However, our full coaching and support service, will cost around the price of a cup of coffee a day… and we aren’t even talking about a highly priced fancy Auckland cupper!

Cup of coffee

Payment options for the full service include weekly, fortnightly or monthly and no up front costs.

We are happy to discuss your individual needs.

What do I get when I sign up to the full service?

1.       Sage Coaching Service
  • Discovery day to understand your individual circumstances, practice and processes
  • A written summary of your current strengths and opportunities to consider
  • Collaborative Plan design  
  • Up to 6 coaching calls each year focused on you and your Plan
  • Midwifery practice updates and Sage Webinars/education (MCNZ hours)
  • Annual re-discovery and update of Strategic Plan
 2.       Sage Support Service
  • Free support
  • Intensive support to help you navigate any investigation or notification

Maximum of 10 hours free Sage Support Service in your first year. Free support level increases annually.

If you need more than the hours included above that can be arranged at an agreed hourly rate.

Can I access the “Sage Support Service” if I am not a Sage Midwife Coaching client?

Yes, you can – in fact you can utilise any individual aspects of our services. Our Mission is to Support Aotearoa New Zealand Midwives to thrive, so of course we want to help. We are happy to talk with you.

If you decide you’ll get better value from our full service, you can join or pay for the service as you go, whatever works best for you.

What if I no longer need Sage Midwife Coaching’s services?

You can leave at any time.

Other than covering a minimum fee that we may agree from the outset, there is nothing further to pay.

Barefoot on the Beachfront

If you take Maternity Leave, for up to 12 months, you will not lose any of the increased Sage Support benefits you have accumulated in your time with us.

How do I become a Sage client?

Contact us and we'll be in touch within 48 hours to answer any questions you might have and discuss options that suit you best.

Our values are based around supporting midwives so you won't get any pressure from us.