Why was Sage Midwife Coaching Developed?

Sue says "Working as a midwife and in other midwifery roles, I've experienced both the rewards and challenges of midwifery, sometimes on the same day! These experiences fuelled a desire to develop a new way to support midwives."

There are many agencies working in the midwifery space. They all play vital roles; however, we see a gap when it comes to dedicated support for the individual midwife.(specifically supporting the individual midwife.)

These other agencies take a wide approach to the profession. Agencies like DHBs, ACC, Coroner etc primarily exist for the protection and benefit of the public. Midwifery Council of New Zealand’s mission for example is stated as being “to protect the health and safety of women and babies experiencing midwifery care in Aotearoa, New Zealand….”.

Sage Midwife Coaching has a different focus - YOU the individual.

Our mission is:

To Support Aotearoa New Zealand Midwives to Thrive

What is our aim?

While others focus on the profession and the public, our priority is you the individual Midwife. We aim to help you grow your personal and professional confidence and resilience. We will support you to reduce your day-to-day practice vulnerability (proactive risk management), and provide intensive individual support when needed (reactive issue management).

With our experience and knowledge, we can provide you with individual support and guidance you cannot get elsewhere.

Over the years I've received numerous comments like “I wish I could have had access to this sort of support before being involved in a notification”

Now you can!

David says 'As Susan’s partner, I've gained a good awareness of the challenges that midwives face, as well as how passionate you are about what you do. I am a certified business coach with over 30 years of successful business management, coaching and leadership. Having seen a clear need for greater individual support for midwives, it just seemed obvious that combining our skills would enable us to offer a unique multifaceted service. A different service that compliments the work of other organisations. So we created Sage Midwife Coaching Ltd, a small family-based business"


To support Aotearoa New Zealand midwives to thrive


To be Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading provider of midwife coaching for engaged professionals


  • To focus on each individual midwife’s needs
  • Be evidenced based
  • Be supportive of the roles of other agencies in midwifery
  • Strive for cultural competency
  • Respect diversity
  • Encourage critical thinking
  • "Could" rather than "should "
  • Be environmentally conscious
  • Preserve Confidentiality

Statement on diversity and inclusion

Sage Midwife Coaching is committed to supporting awareness of diversity, and the use of inclusive language to celebrate diversity.

We are committed to better understand and respond to historical and current racism and colonisation of Aotearoa, and other intersecting injustices.

We strive towards equity in outcomes for all peoples in Aotearoa, including tangata whenua.

Not all people who become pregnant identify with a female gender. We may use terms specific to female identity for ease of understanding, while understanding this is a cis and heteronormative approach. Sage does not intend to exclude people of diverse gender identity, gender expression or sex characteristics where using the words "wahine", "woman", "she", "her". We encourage midwives to seek and use Pregnant People Preferred Pronouns (PPPP).